2013 was quite a year. A year of ups and downs ... highs and lows. Each year seems to go faster and faster and at the end of the year, like many people, I tend to evaluate life in general.
2014 is blooming fast, already days into the first month. I have spent the last few weeks soul-searching as I face the double nickle. Yes, a 55th birthday will greet me this year, and once again I'm asking myself: Am I living purposely? Am I living up to the expectations I have for myself? What about others' expectations? Am I living with Elegant Design? And exactly what does living with Elegant Design mean to me?
I believe that our world is one of Elegant Design. I believe we were created by a greater being who elegantly designed each of us. Being raised in the Methodist Church gave me many guidelines and I have reflected back on them. I do have faith in God, and believe that God has faith in me. Am I living up to His expectations?
I believe that each one of us are Elegantly Designed ... having nothing to do with size, looks or station in life, but perfectly (or elegantly) designed - outfitted with all the tools necessary to make our way in the world.
As I face midlife, I received confirmation today that, yes ... I am in menopause. What a word I never considered when I was younger, thinner, and faster. I figured that I was in that neighborhood - however, the blood test confirmed it today (as though the slowing metabolism, hot flashes, lapses in memory, and difficulty in sleeping didn't!). It is my intention to spend time this year, evaluating my definition of Elegant Design, and what living by Elegant Design means to me. I want to live more "purposely", live by Elegant Design. I want to contribute - to do things that are meaningful to me and to those that I love. I want to experience and savor each experience, good and bad, and take something from it with me.
A bit over ten years ago, my hobby was growing into something bigger ... a company specializing in decorative (faux) finishes. I needed a name (because of course, business cards were necessary), and that is where my company, Elegant Design, came into being. In 2005, after a relocation with my husband to Texas, I decided to put myself out there and "become" something. Oh, I had been self-employed for years, but that was another life, with another person. This time, after brushing myself off, I decided to quit picking those scabs and put myself out there. After all, I thought I had been through the worse, so what else could happen?????
These last ten years have flown by! So many changes ... the move away from my children and other family members, experiencing grandchildren, and trying to grow a business to produce and flourish. I know that we all experience changes as we live our lives. Births, joyous occasions, deaths, and tragedies come to mind. They march through my head with a purpose. But what is that purpose? Am I truly enjoying those joyous occasions? Do I appreciate them enough? And the occasions that bring tears to my eyes - do I have regrets? Did I do what I needed to do? Did I say what needed to be said?
Do my children know what is in my heart? Have I shown them? Told them? Does my husband truly know now much I love and appreciate him? Do my friends know what a jewel they are in my life and that they are the thread that keeps me together?
These are the questions that I intend to really think about this year. I am going to live more purposely - more by elegant design. How about you? Want to join me?
Today, I make the conscious effort to learn to live by Elegant Design.
"I will gather the courage to do what is right and take the responsibility for my own actions".
--- Dear Abby