Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fee Fi Faux Fun

It's been a good week and it's been a good day.  While I am sitting here, supposed to be working on pictures for the website (which was supposed to have been up and running a couple of weeks ago - my bad) I keep getting sidetracked.  I'm going through before and after pictures of jobs that we've done over the past few years.   Each set of pictures brings a flood of memories and feelings!  Each customer becomes a friend!  You spend so much time with them - planning the project in advance ... anticipating the project once the finishes are selected ... executing the job (when it is easy to become attached to the house ... feels like a safe place) ... and finally completing the job and packing up to leave.

It is so funny to me - from the moment we pull up to the project to unload and get started, all I want to do is complete the job!  Get it done!  Pack 'er up!  Get the check!!!!!  However, when the moment comes to actually pull away from the curb, I always feel sad!  There is an intimate connection with people when you are in their homes at vulnerable times.  And when a  home is "under destruction", it is a vulnerable time!  Routines are disrupted.  The routine of having "guests" in the home becomes a little fuzzy!  

Here is an example.  This picture represents the first meeting at the customer location.  That is my briefcase on the floor.  We have introduction and go through the polite "what is expected" conversations.  After this new meeting, we get down to business.  Pull out the sample boards.  Look at pictures the customer has clipped and try to really listen so that we can get the perfect understanding of the picture our client is wanting to see.

We go through the dance of designing custom samples based on our understanding.   Hopefully, we get it pretty quick, and are ready for the next phase:  anticipating the project.  This includes activities such as ordering materials (did you calculate enough?), loading the truck with supplies and materials (why didn't you purchase a trailer because you KNOW you are going to have to make more than one trip, and finally ... the day of the project you don't want to be late, so you show up 30 minutes early!

That's okay - I'm chronically early and I know it.  I have spent many hours sitting down the street waiting until it is "reasonably late enough to be early" before I ring the doorbell.    I would rather be the person early than the one late - keeping a customer waiting!  

So, there are times when you arrive and your customer is NOT ready for you!  They thought they had another 30-45 minutes before you arrive and they are not ready to vacate their space because of important things ... makeup, hair, dressing!  Okay, now I'm feeling bad!  But, the customer is wonderful - says "Here is a cup of coffee, come on in".  So, while your customer finishes their beauty regime you sit on their tub, trying to pretend this is a perfectly normal thing you do!  But, sometimes you are blessed and the customer is wonderful and they make you feel like sitting in the bathroom with them is a perfectly routine part of the project!

Then, you move in and create the "creative chaos" condition!

Each job, no matter how many times you have executed this finish, is individual and unique. We have a lot of fun - don't get me wrong!  But it's hard work!  This job required four sets of scaffolding, along with a walking plank.  Because of the layout, we were required to take the top scaffold off and move around and put it back ... numerous times!!!!!!

This is a beautiful finish - it is metallic plasters with a finish called "Asian Silk".  We added dimensional stencils randomly around the room.  This finish takes several steps but is always beautiful!

When we are done, it is such a great feeling!  

It is so neat to see the before, experience the during and finally, see the final result!

 But there is is again - that sad feeling!  I know it's crazy, but it always feels a little like you are moving away from this home that has been yours for a temporary time.  Weird, huh?

The hard part, is going back for the "after" pictures.  When you have a room, even with fabulous walls, ceiling, floors, cabinets - whatever you have done, it still looks like an empty room.  You have to come back after the room and its furnishing have been put back together - Humpty Dumpty, whole again!

What a blessing to do what I do!  What a blessing to be able to see wonderful homes, and more importantly, meet such great people!  Thank you, my Wonderful Customers, for making my heart warm!

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