It's a small thing, I know, but important to remember that I can't do it all. I want to - I would like to think that I can, but realistically, there really are so many hours in a day and hours in a week! That is why resort to my lists. I keep a wirebound notebook with me at all times. There is a date, highlighted in yellow in case I miss it, at the top of each page. Below that is a listing of everything I need to do. For instance,
- Call E re: the GL Mtg
- Mail bullet points to GL Committee
- Four samples for P
- Wicker Furniture - research
- Proposal for P
- Sample for A
- Call A for the A job
These notebooks are really useful. I also take little notes (changes in passwords so I don't forget, interesting things I see online that I don't want to forget - that sort of thing). I keep my notebooks - sounds pretty crazy, huh? But, I actually have found it useful because I will need to refer to something and I can remember "pretty close" to the timeframe and find that notebook. There it is! The notes I took about the customer when we did their job two years ago! That is helpful in so many ways!
But, I digress!
Today, my "roses" is the job we started. We are working in a lovely home, for a terrific customer, doing fun finishes. That is a blessing! Here is a sneak peak - the before!
This is a beautiful vent hood, indeed! We are transforming it, however, into a beautiful copper piece!
We started by prepping, then washing with TSP. Our first layer was a stippling layer of Metallic Plaster (Tungston). The next step was to stipple Palette Deco, using a combination of Metallic Bronze, Metallic Copper and Metallic Gold. After this sat for awhile, we knocked it down with rubber trowels, creating a beautiful blending of the three colors, leaving gorgeous pitting and smooth areas. That was all we could do today, since it had to sit overnight to dry and I know you want a progress pictures, but, no can do! Didn't take one. But, I will tell you when the customer walked in, she said, "OMG, that is so beautiful! I love it". And it's not even done yet!
There go you! That was it! That was the rose that I got to stop and smell today! I am so grateful and so blessed that we have work. Work that I love. Customers who are happy. Whenever I get to feeling overwhelmed, I can look back on a moment like today and that gives me a smile.
Now I gotta go! Much to do! Items left on the list!!!!! Goodnight!
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